Breastfeeding - With A Little Help From My Friends

After BB was born the nurses at the hospital were quite helpful. Except for the night nurse who said if BB's blood sugar was low one more time they'd have to supplement, to which I said "Nope, it will be fine next time" (but tiny little poppy seeds of doubt were scattered in my brain). It was unfortunate that I never got to see the LC, as she had pneumonia.
At home I had great support. No one told me to just give formula or anything else that I didn't care to hear. They just helped me. I had read a great book while on bed rest, but books don't give you a sense of sisterhood or community.
At three weeks PP I was still hormonal and crying all the time and my nipples hurt and I needed help. So I found my big girl panties and I went to the breastfeeding group. I made a few friends, had a wonderful time, and I really wish I had gone earlier. The LC (I call her my LC) offered me some advice and a few pointers to help with my discomfort. It was like MAGIC!
I go to group almost every week. I've missed four meetings since my first time going, but even if I don't go, it's okay. I can catch up with our Facebook page. The Facebook page is nice because it is mostly made up of moms who have been to that group, or their friends, and you can ask any question and someone will have an answer or suggestion for you pretty quickly.
If you are pregnant and plan on breastfeeding I highly suggest/recommend that you take a breastfeeding class and attend a few meetings of your local BF group before you have your baby (if you are able). It really does help that extra bit. And if you are BF now, even if you're doing great with it, find a local meeting and go. It feels great to get out of the house and interact with people who have the same feelings about BF as you do. You get help, and you give help and you may even make a few friends. It's also really cool to watch the other babies grow.
Thanks to going to group, I haven't felt like I didn't have enough milk or that BB isn't eating enough or any of those other fears that breastfeeding moms have. I have an awesome group of other nursing mom's behind me, and I'm behind them. We've got each other's backs, and we help each other out.
Hooray for the sisterhood of boobies!
Labels: bf blog hop, breastfeeding
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