Super Stalker Sunday 23 #Bloghop

Don't know about SSS? No, problem!
What is Super Stalker Sunday?
Glad you asked! Super Stalker Sunday is a weekly blog hop hosted by
Marni of Marni's Organized MessApril of Mama on a Green MissionMariah of Formula MomKortney of Kortney's Krazy Lifeand Emily of Nap Time is My Time
Blogs hops are a great way to meet other bloggers, socialize and gain more followers. Do you like to socialize? Well, we all like followers, right?!
If you've been around the blogosphere you know there are Blog Hop's for everything you can think of and every day of the week: RSS Feed, Google Friend Connect, Email Readers, Facebook Fans, and Twitter Followers.
Well, why not get all of your followers in one place once a week? This is the place to do just that!
How to Super Stalk
Follow each host at least one way. Don't forget to let them know you did so by commenting on their blog. We will return all follows, but please be patient as we are busy mama's it may take us a few days to return the visit and follow.
You will only have to link up on one of the host sites and your link will appear on all as we use the same linky.
After you follow the hosts, follow as many bloggers in as many ways as you are willing!
Already follow somebody? Consider visiting and following them in another way as well!
Remember: You will only get as much as you give. The more blogs you can visit, the more visits you will gain in return. We are all here to socialize and greet, not visit only your blog.
While we encourage sharing our button and hop with as many as possible, it is not required. The more you spread the word though, the more we socialize and all gain followers!
This week's featured blogger is
We took this opportunity to ask Mehreen a few questions, and she's shared her answers below:
What’s your favorite way to stalk a blog?
I follow via GFC mostly, but I like to follow via Twitter too. I think it's a great way to share useful links plus get links from what my friends are reading and finding useful.
You have an extra hour added to your day,what would you do with it?
I'll definitely be blogging more and doing more research on the SEO side of it too.
Is there a TV show that you have watched every episode?
Not in a long time though. I usually go for comedy series I watch regularly and if I miss any, then thank God for places like YouTube! ;-)
What book is currently on your nightstand?
I have just picked "The Guardian Angel's Journal" by Carolyn Jess-Cooke and gone through the first few pages. Looks promising enough!
Pick a post,any post.
If you would like to be a featured blogger,being shared with more than 4,000 combined followers between the hosts of this hop,please link up! At the end of each week we will select a blog via Random.Org to be the featured blog for the following week.
This linky will go live Saturday at 7:00 PM PST and end Monday at 12:00 PM PST.
Thank you for participating, now let’s go “stalk” up a storm!
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