Thursday, September 15, 2011

We Need A Special Doll For This?

The thing that annoys me about this doll is that it has a pacifier. It is a doll and therefore does not need to be pacified. Pacifiers are not always necessary and I believe that when they are used in the first few weeks of baby's life it can actually hurt the breastfeeding relationship. Time spent sucking on a pacifier is time that could be spent getting nutrition and building milk supply.

Back to the doll.

I suppose it is a good doll for someone who wasn't able to (or decided not to) breastfeed to get their child. The kid can't emulate the mother so this doll would do a good job. Besides that scenario I really don't see the point. They cost about a bajillion dollars and then there is the cost of batteries.

When my mom was feeding my little brother, I'd go get a doll, sit beside them, lift up my shirt and feed my baby too.

This doll is also only marketed to little girls. I know of a few little boys who feed stuffed animals and action figures and I think that is really cool and important as well. Little boys need a positive view of breastfeeding so that they will be supportive when they are older and have breastfeeding significant others.

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