Thursday, September 1, 2011

Leading By Example

We live in a world where it is perfectly normal and okay to use breasts to sell just about everything under the sun. However, as soon as we use those breasts the way nature designed and intended people throw up their arms in disgust and have something to say about it. I for one don't give a rat's ass about anything they have to say. If it makes them uncomfortable, that is their problem. You don't want to see me breastfeeding my baby, turn your head in a different direction. It really is that simple.

Luckily I have not run into or noticed any opposition to my breastfeeding in public. I got a few weird looks once in the grocery store, when I was readjusting myself after finishing feeding Baby Bear, but to be fair I would have given myself a few second glances as well. The clip on my nursing tank got stuck and I was muttering to myself with my hand in my shirt. I'm sure it looked silly.

Out in the world I really don't have a favorite place to nurse. I just nurse wherever I feel comfortable, which is pretty much everywhere. And if I don't feel all that comfortable, I just do it anyway and pretend that I am. I want people to see that it is normal and doesn't really deserve a second glance. I want other breastfeeding moms that may have reservations to see me out there doing it and hopefully gain some confidence in themselves to do it where ever they may be.

I really can't think of anyplace that nursing a baby would be inappropriate. I can think of a lot of places where I'd rather nurse than have a pissed off and hungry baby. Funeral, wedding, restaurant, pretty much anywhere. I'd much rather be around a content nursing baby or small child than a screaming one. That would be part of my evil plan if anyone ever said anything to me in a restaurant or similar small place where they are stuck in the same space as me. I'd just unlatch BB and let the unhappy protests of a hungry baby do the talking for me for a minute.

I'm leading by example, and I encourage all nursing moms, veterans and newbies alike to do the same. Not feeling confident? Try it anyway, you might surprise yourself and you could inspire another mom to do the same.

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At September 2, 2011 at 6:18 AM , Blogger The Gnome's Mom said...

"I want other breastfeeding moms that may have reservations to see me out there doing it and hopefully gain some confidence in themselves to do it where ever they may be."


At September 4, 2011 at 10:12 AM , Blogger Candida said...

It's true- I'd rather nurse ANYWHERE than have a pissed off baby!

I'm following- hope you'll visit and follow back!

Breastfed: A breastfeeding blog for the modern mama.

At September 12, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Blogger Evelyn @ HauteMilk said...

I visited your blog and I am following.


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