Monday, August 29, 2011


I'd have to go to a hotel for this kind of romance.
Romance now means Baby Bear and my parents are asleep.
On my first blog I asked if anything like the incident (where Baby Bear was asleep but his legs were bouncing up and down on the bed while the Papa Bear and I were having sex) had happened to you. I even got a response which was unexpected but awesome!
Lisa, The Milk Maven asked:
Do you feel like your sex drive isn't what it used to be? I do. Not sure if it's the stress or the mothering hormones. Any thoughts on that?
YES. Many. My short answer on the comment was, "I do feel like my sex drive is not at all what it used to be. I attribute most of that to the fact that my body just had a small person pushed out of it and doesn't want to do that again until it has recovered."

I think it partially has to do with breastfeeding. My body knows I'm feeding a baby already, and I don't need another mouth to feed. I believe in countries where breastfeeding is "the norm" babies are spaced 4 years apart on average.

I think another part of the equation is that 5 months ago I pushed a baby out of my body, and my body remembers how rough being pregnant was. My hips are still sore most mornings.

Hormones are certainly a large part of pretty much everything.

The last piece of the puzzle, for me, is that when BB has fallen asleep, sex just seems like a lot of work.

My solution? Do it anyway. Pretend you're not allowed to. Make out like you're in high school. Leave your underwear on until you can't take it anymore. Then, have a gooood time! I got super riled up the other night when I couldn't have sex because I was on night 2 of Monistat 3 (antibiotics for mastitis), but I made sure PB had a good time. He always returns the favor in a timely manner.



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